Dialects in Germany

Germany has a rich linguistic history and as a result there are many regional dialects spoken throughout the country. These dialects can differ considerably from standard German (Hochdeutsch)


Warum Relocation Services für HR-Abteilungen unverzichtbar sind

Warum Relocation Services für HR-Abteilungen unverzichtbar sind: Übernommen werden: Formalitäten, Visum, Wohnungssuche, Wegzug, Orientierungstour. In unserem heutigen Beitrag möchten wir über die Bedeutung von Relocation-Services für die Entlastung


Do i need a fishing license in Germany?

Yes, you generally need a fishing license (Angelschein) to legally fish in Germany. Fishing regulations and licensing requirements can vary from one federal state (Bundesland) to another because


Fireworks on Silvester in Germany

New Year’s Eve in Germany is known as “Silvester,” named after Saint Sylvester, whose feast day falls on December 31st. Silvester is celebrated with great enthusiasm throughout the


How can i check the snow and avalanche situation in the Alps?

Checking the snow and avalanche situation in the Alps is essential if you are planning to visit the region, especially for skiing, snowboarding or other winter activities. To


Sledging in Germany

Tobogganing is a popular winter activity in Germany. Locals and visitors alike enjoy the thrill of racing down snowy hills on sledges, toboggans or modern twists on the


Forest bathing in Germany?

Forest bathing in Germany? “Forest bathing,” known as “Shinrin-yoku” in Japanese, is the practice of immersing oneself in a forest environment to benefit from its calming and rejuvenating


How does the right to vote work in a state election in Germany?

How does the right to vote work in a state election in Germany? Since there are still state elections in Germany this year; here is a brief outline


How did the Oktoberfest actually come about?

How did the Oktoberfest actually come about? The origins of the Oktoberfest can be traced back to an early 19th century royal wedding in Munich, Germany. Here’s a


Do domestic flights make sense in Germany?

Do domestic flights make sense in Germany? Whether domestic flights make sense in Germany depends on the context of the question—specifically, the criteria by which “sense” is defined.
